As summer is winding down here in town, and we are just at the final stretch of it before the back-to-school season, Oakville is buzzing with exciting events and updates that you won't want to miss. As usual, I am delighted to keep you informed about the latest happenings in our vibrant community. Here's a roundup of July and August events and what is forthcoming.
What’s Happening in Town
Canada Day Town-wide Celebrations: Pancake, Shows and Much More

We kicked off July with a return of iconic and festive Canada Day pancake breakfast co-hosted by MP Pam Danoff of Oakville North - Burlington and my colleague Councillor Jeff Knoll followed by a dazzling fireworks display that lit up the Oakville sky - over 30,000 residents participated in the festive event along with MP Anita Anand of Oakville and many of my council colleagues. Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating our great nation!
Council's New Strategic Plan

The Council has approved a forward-looking long-term strategy that sets our priorities for the next four years. This strategic plan reflects our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all residents and guiding the growth of our community. Visit for more details.
Council holds first Committee of the Whole Meeting for Midtown

At July 18th’s Committee of the Whole meeting regarding Midtown an overview of the process and timelines were established. There will be 3 public engagement opportunities during the course of the meetings and will also include one meeting monthly with public delegations.
There will be a total of 5 meetings between now and December. The next Committee of the Whole for Midtown will discuss the population and jobs forecast being held on August 8, 2023.
New Town Hall on Current Sitebeing Studied

On August 15th, Council received a report suggesting that staff proceed with the planning and development requirements for a new town hall on the existing site at 1225 Trafalgar Road.
The need for a new town hall arises from the projected construction of a road through the current location in the late 2020s. A feasibility study was conducted to identify a suitable site for the new town hall, and preliminary analysis has concluded that the existing site at 1225 Trafalgar Road is a viable option, eliminating the need to acquire additional land.
The envisioned new town hall aims to be technologically advanced, environmentally conscious, and supportive of a hybrid work environment while aligning with Oakville's carbon emissions reduction goals. The project schedule indicates that the process is set to commence in Q4-2023 and be completed by mid-2024.
Rental Housing Bylaws and Housing Strategy
The Town Council has approved new regulations aimed at bolstering the availability of rental housing and enhancing tenant safeguards. The Planning and Development Council meeting held on July 10, 2023, saw the approval of a Rental Housing Protection By-law and a Demolition Control By-law, marking a significant step forward as the town accommodates a growing population and cultivates an appealing housing market.
These two by-laws work in tandem to both maintain the current inventory of rental housing units and fortify protections for tenants. Under the newly established guidelines, developers seeking to demolish or repurpose a building containing six or more rental residential units must obtain a Section 99.1 Permit from the town. To secure this permit, developers are required to adhere to a set of conditions aimed at safeguarding the existing rental housing supply and ensuring the well-being of affected tenants over specific timeframes. Further particulars can be found in the comprehensive online report.
Mayor Burton highlighted the significance of introducing this by-law for the conversion of rental buildings, as it serves the dual purpose of preserving the rental housing inventory while prioritizing the protection of tenants' rights.
@Ward 7
Groundbreaking of Ward 7 Community Centre

It’s happening, finally. With extensive advocacy and backend work from my council colleagues and numerous stakeholders, the construction of the Sixteen Mile Community Centre and Library project in Oakville is finally underway. During the groundbreaking event on July 7th, Mayor Burton, Councillor Nav Nanda and myself were able to signify this momentous occasion with an enthusiastic crowd of Ward 7 residents. This development will see the establishment of the community centre and library in proximity to the Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, situated at 3170 Neyagawa Blvd.
The multi-purpose community center is projected to encompass around 65,000 square feet and will incorporate features such as aquatic facilities, a fitness and active living center, versatile spaces catering to seniors, youth, and cultural activities, as well as gymnasiums.
The Oakville Public Library branch will occupy an area of about 18,000 square feet, offering dedicated zones for work, study, and collaboration. It will also house spaces for creation and media activities, reading and discussions, children's and teenagers' sections, flexible areas for diverse programming, and accessible public computers and Wi-Fi.
Anticipated to be ready for use in 2025, this development has been met with excitement. I am extremely proud of being a part of this milestone and grateful for the three level governments’ joint investments in fostering community growth and learning.
Making Our Roads Safer
I am excited to share some great news that enhances the safety and convenience of our neighbourhood's roadways. Over the past few months, we've been diligently working on improving pedestrian crossings in our community, and we're delighted to announce the completion of four brand new crossings. These enhancements not only make our streets safer but also promote a more connected and accessible environment for everyone. Here are the details of the newly completed pedestrian crossings:
George Savage Avenue at Wisteria Way
North Park Boulevard at Trail Crossing (east of Trailside)
Post Road at Fowley Park
Postridge Road at William Rose Park
These pedestrian crossings are the result of collaborative efforts between our community and the Council. We hope these enhancements foster a stronger sense of traffic safety, enabling everyone to explore our beautiful area with peace of mind. There is still more work ahead and I am committed to continuously advocating for road safety and improvement in Oakville.
Road Closure

The following roadway will be subject to a local road closure:
Sixth Line between Threshing Mill Blvd. and Settlers Road East for service connection work.The detour route will be along Sixth Line, Dundas Street East, Trafalgar Road and Burnhamthorpe Road.
All inquiries should be directed to Service Oakville, 905-845-6601 or via email at
Commencing on August 17 - October 13, 2023. At the end of the aforementioned time frame, or upon completion of activities at the above noted location(s), whichever occurs first, this Local Road Closure By-law shall be rescinded.
Key Events
Glenorchy Community Festival

A new Oakville ritual indeed, an occassion where neighbours and friends came together to celebrate summer with endless outdoor fun. We concluded the 4th Annual Oakville Glenorchy Festival with such an enthusiastic crowd at Isaac Park.
The aim of the Glenorchy Community Festival is to raise awareness about our vibrant new neighbourhood in the northern part of Oakville. It always warms my heart when we all connect in different ways to foster unity and showcase the wonderful aspects of our ever-growing community.
Hindu Sikh Unity Forum

It was a great honour to participate in the remarkable assembly of leaders from the Sikh and Hindu communities on July 8. Many thanks to Harji Bajwa for extending the invitation. Witnessing the significant inauguration of the Hindu Sikh Unity Forum was an incredibly enriching experience that speaks volume to the significance to our diverse community.
Our common objectives - open conversation, cooperation, and determination that we can forge a brighter future encompasses all are encouraging us all. Ward 7 is where multi-culturalism and diversity is on full display and I am committed to working collectively to fortify the connections among our vibrant community .
Sparky’s Dog Days of Summer

Sparky Came to Fowley Park on August 2!
Sparky’s Dog Days of Summer serves as a fire prevention campaign that encourages local residents to interact and converse with firefighters and members of the fire prevention team at their nearby parks. This initiative presents parents with a valuable chance to enhance their understanding of fire safety, as Oakville Fire's dedicated team shares invaluable advice on safeguarding children from burns and scalds, imparting knowledge about smoke and fire detection systems within residences, and offering guidance on devising and practising home escape plans.
All proceeds from these offerings will be directed towards supporting the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
AMO Conference

I was delighted to stand for Oakville Ward 7 alongside my colleague Councillor Nav Nanda and fellow Oakville Council members during the Association of Municipalities of Ontario gathering. This event provided us with valuable insights and viewpoints from municipal stakeholders across Ontario, shedding light on potential collaborations with the Province to ensure a sustainable future. As community representatives and elected officials, we owe it to our residents and constituents to always do more and aim higher for the betterment of our respective municipality. It was rewarding to compare notes and put our minds togethers.
Veronica Tyrrell Day

Veronica Tyrrell Day commemorates the enduring influence of Veronica Tyrrell, a devoted leader of the Canadian Caribbean Association of Halton (CCAH) and a remarkable figure in the Oakville community. As a family-oriented occasion that embraces the rich tapestry of cultural diversity within our locality, Major Burton designated August 27 as Veronica Tyrrell Day in Oakville as of 2022. As its first anniversary, I am honoured to join many residents to commemorate this great community heroine.
Movies in the Park-Fowley Park

Nothing beats the vibe than enjoying movies at your favourite community park. We were pleased to see great turnouts from both outdoor walkers and theatre goers coming together for movies with families and neighbours. “Lightyear” was screening and it was a great movie and a finale to our annual Movies in the Park. A huge shoutout to the dedicated town staff and our amazing sponsors for making this event an absolute success. Your support brought over 400 people together to enjoy the magic of "Lightyear" on the big screen at Fowley Park, our Ward 7’s own turf on August 30th.
Town Hall Auto Theft & Community Safety

Councillor Nav Nanda and I are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a town hall event focused on car theft and safety this upcoming Thursday evening. The event will take place at the River Oaks Community Centre. We are honoured to have the presence of representatives from all three levels of government, including your MP, MPP, Mayor, councillors, and Halton Police officers, who will be engaging with residents and providing updates on issues pertinent to our community.
Room A, River Oaks Community Centre,
2400 Sixth Line, Oakville
@7:00pm-9:00pm Thursday, September 7th
Register here to save your spot
*Limited Time ONLY* - Outdoor Pools and Splash Pads Hours

In light of a potential "Heat Warning" in Halton starting this Sunday, the Town is adding additional outdoor swimming sessions at one specific location. This is in addition to the three indoor pools that will be operational next week. Normally, all our outdoor pools conclude their season on the Sunday of the Labour Day weekend. However, due to the return of summer students to school, the availability of trained staff is currently limited. Our Splash Pads will remain open from 10 am to 9 pm throughout the upcoming weeks.
The additional outdoor swimming sessions scheduled are as follows:
Monday, September 4th: Brookdale Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure swims and one lane swim.
Tuesday, September 5th: Bronte Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure swims during afterschool hours.
Wednesday, September 6th: Bronte Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure swims during afterschool hours.
Thursday, September 7th: Bronte Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure swims during afterschool hours.
Please note that the following additional sessions are currently tentative:
Saturday, September 9th: Bronte Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure/combo swims.
Sunday, September 10th: Bronte Pool – Two sessions of 1.5-hour leisure/combo swims.
For those staying in town this coming long weekend, be sure to enjoy the last splash of summer fun!

To close, I hope you find the newsletter informative and please stay safe, hydrated and active as we embrace an eventful summer here at Ward 7 and townwide.

Scott Xie